Sunday, May 3, 2015

I think the Federal Reserve is an asset to our country because it keeps our economy stable but it does have its flaws just like everything in the world. They lend large amounts of money and print the money to make people take loans from the bank so that they have to pay the money back plus interest. That is how the banks make money. The banks ask the federal reserve for a large quantity of money and they give the banks the money and then the banks loan it out to people and put them into debt, and debt equals money for the banks. The federal reserve keeps us above water but could be run much better. It holds people down and taxes the shit out of everyone so that they have a hard time paying the interest on their loan. And sometimes when the banks aren't making enough money they jack up their interest rates so that the bank stays in business. The federal reserve is an asset but needs to change the way it's run and probably needs to have new people running it in order to change how it's run. When people sign to take a loan they don't know exactly what they are signing up for because they are property of the government and they have to pay for more than they take. And also the federal reserve prints large amounts of money to give to the banks which results In inflation because the more money u print the less worth it has so in order to continue having a large income stores have to increase prices or inflate prices hence the word inflation. The national debt is somewhere around 55,000,000,000,000 and that is partly because of the federal reserve. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

The use of "bull" and "bear" to describe markets comes from the way the animals attack their opponents. A bull thrusts its horns up into the air while a bear swipes its paws down. These actions are metaphors for the movement of a market. If the trend is up, it's a bull market. If the trend is down, it's a bear market.  When the market is in a recession it is a bear market but when it is skyrocketing upward it is a bull market. Obviously the better of the two would be the bull market. A recession is when the market is in a downfall and slowly getting worse and a depression is when it is bad and stays bad for a long period of time.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Jackson thought the government bureaucracy was corrupt and we need to be over turned. The term spoils system comes from a quote "to the victor goes the spoils." The spoils system you basically had to know someone to become part of the government and you didn't exactly get checked based on your ability to do the job. Which is the opposite of the merit system, the merit system is a system used to give all people a fighting chance at jobs. They base it on weather or not you are capable of doing the job and who could do it better, the don't base it on if they know you. When the spoils system was replaced with the merit system many occupancies had to use the merit system when hiring employees. The spoils system had to be replaced with the merit system in order for everyone to have an equal chance at a job of their desire. I think today the spoils system is still used when it comes to hiring for some jobs, I know that you are required to have a certain amount of African Americans, Hispanics and Asians working for your company which is called affirmative action. But if it was between a white man and a black man and the white man had better job credentials but the occupancy needed another black man to meet the state regulations they would hire the black man. So it's not all about who has a better ability at doing the jobs.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

 The courts ruled against the police because the officer took Riley (the defendents) cell phone a looked through it to find all the information to have him arrested and put in jail. He did this without a warrant from the Supreme Court which he needs in order to look through their phone. This was a landmark case because it showed that the old laws and ammendents still stand true to today's technology. And it also showed that the 4th amendment stands true to our phones and our technology. I think no matter what the case is the police should never be able to break an Ammendment. And we should always have a right to privacy so the police don't get too much power. People have private things on their cellphones that they don't want people to see so a police officer shouldn't be able to come over and take your phone and look without a warrant, just like they can't enter your house and search without one. This hold true to any case wether it saves a life or puts away a criminal. I agree with the supreme courts ruling in this case, even though he does deserve jail time.

Monday, January 5, 2015

My current event is how barrack Obama is sending American troops to Liberia to fight a war against Ebola. I do not think it is the right idea to use our only protection to fight a disease that seems uncurable. It's easy to sit behind a desk and decide where to send your troops but he would never visit Liberia because the risk of getting Ebola is very high, so he shouldn't put our troops and protection in danger of getting sick with this incurable disease. The soldier are very well trained to be calm in situations such as the Ebola crisis but I think they should be kept out of Liberia. He is spreading the American army to vastly throughout the world and it is leaving the one place we are trying to keep safe unprotected. As history shows this didnt workout very well for the Roman Empire. They spread there army to widely and eventually were overthrown. Obama shouldnt be taking our countries military overseas to Liberia because it's dangerous for the U.S. and because it's immoral to do to our troops.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

At first during the movie head of state he would read a script written for him by someone else that had what everyone wanted to hear written on it, instead of what he actually believed. This is what most presidents do (besides Reagan) because they want to get the vote of the largest croud of people, the white middle working class Americans. But Chris rock wanted to get the vote of something he knew, something he believed in. So he decided to speak his mind and collect the vote of the African American ghetto and the African American people. He became a candidate because they wanted someone who would lose the election. And he became his own candidate when his brother told him to say what he believes instead of what he's told to say. He also wanted to impress the girl from "lots O' Gas"

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Electoral College was created for two reasons. The first purpose was to create a mix between population and the pick of a President. The second as part of the structure of the government that gave extra power to the smaller states. Hamilton and the other founders believed that the electors would be able to insure that only a qualified person becomes President. I think it is fair, because it gives the smaller states more of a chance to have who they want to become president elected. And I also think that is a good idea because it has more electoral votes for the bigger states because they have more people voting. I don't think that the system has ever had any major flaws worth explaining and I think it should continue to be used.