Thursday, January 29, 2015

 The courts ruled against the police because the officer took Riley (the defendents) cell phone a looked through it to find all the information to have him arrested and put in jail. He did this without a warrant from the Supreme Court which he needs in order to look through their phone. This was a landmark case because it showed that the old laws and ammendents still stand true to today's technology. And it also showed that the 4th amendment stands true to our phones and our technology. I think no matter what the case is the police should never be able to break an Ammendment. And we should always have a right to privacy so the police don't get too much power. People have private things on their cellphones that they don't want people to see so a police officer shouldn't be able to come over and take your phone and look without a warrant, just like they can't enter your house and search without one. This hold true to any case wether it saves a life or puts away a criminal. I agree with the supreme courts ruling in this case, even though he does deserve jail time.


  1. Every time I read on of your blogs Jack it just makes me want to pick up some dumbbells and start getting huge like you. All I wanna do right now is drink muscle farm until I'm as swole as you. Maybe then my blogs will be as good as yours. Keep up the good work Squilliam.

  2. Every time I read on of your blogs Jack it just makes me want to pick up some dumbbells and start getting huge like you. All I wanna do right now is drink muscle farm until I'm as swole as you. Maybe then my blogs will be as good as yours. Keep up the good work Squilliam.
