Monday, January 5, 2015

My current event is how barrack Obama is sending American troops to Liberia to fight a war against Ebola. I do not think it is the right idea to use our only protection to fight a disease that seems uncurable. It's easy to sit behind a desk and decide where to send your troops but he would never visit Liberia because the risk of getting Ebola is very high, so he shouldn't put our troops and protection in danger of getting sick with this incurable disease. The soldier are very well trained to be calm in situations such as the Ebola crisis but I think they should be kept out of Liberia. He is spreading the American army to vastly throughout the world and it is leaving the one place we are trying to keep safe unprotected. As history shows this didnt workout very well for the Roman Empire. They spread there army to widely and eventually were overthrown. Obama shouldnt be taking our countries military overseas to Liberia because it's dangerous for the U.S. and because it's immoral to do to our troops.

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