Thursday, September 25, 2014

U.S. warplanes went after Islamic State fanatics again Wednesday, this time bombing the murderous militants on both sides of the Syrian and Iraqi border.  Several of the strikes targeted an ISIS staging area, which the terrorists have been using to move equipment from one country to the other.  Eight ISIS vehicles were demolished in the Iraqi border town of Qaim, the U.S. Central Command reported.  ISIS vehicles west of Iraqi capital Baghdad and near Kurdish city Erbil were also destroyed by bombing raids.  The new attacks came a day after U.S. forces gave ISIS a taste of shock and awe with three waves of bombing attacks in Syria that wiped out dozens of fighters and demolished the group’s command control center in Raqqa.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

why the articles of confederation failed

The Articles of Confederation failed because they left too much power with the states. The federal government had no power to collect taxes, no power to regulate trade, and no power to enforce laws. There was also no executive branch under the Articles of Confederation, and no national court system. Also, all states had to give consent in order for amendments to be passed and 9 out of 13 states had to give consent in order for laws to be passed. This rarely happened, because there were hardly ever enough delegates to pass a law and 5 small states could completely block what larger states wanted. The only power the federal government had was to make war and peace, send and receive ambassadors, enter into treaties, raise and equip a navy, maintain an army by requesting troops from the states, appoint senior military officers, fix standards of weights and measures, regulate Indian affairs, establish post offices, and decide certain disputes among states.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


America without government is like a whopper without bacon, it doesn't work.  You need government to function in everyday society.  Without government there would be people committing crimes of all sorts.  There would be no one to enforce laws and make laws for people to abide by.  There would be no paved roads or free water.  The military would be weaker. The courts would suffer without a government.  There would be no welfare system for people to go on when they need money because they have nothing.  There would be no unemployment for when people get laid off.

The government is necessary to construct a stable way of life for everyone in america.  We give up some rights in order to have the protection of our military. Which we only have because of our government.